Institute for Good Government & Inclusion (Expert Analysis on Controversial Issues)
The Institute for Good Government and Inclusion is a domestic non-partisan and non-profit public policy think. IGGI’s primary activity is research and education in four areas that define good government in the United States: (1) transparency in government, (2) respect for persons, (3) the rule of law and (4) democratic inclusion. We analyze data obtained from public records requests, interviews and public opinion surveys on issues in each domain, publishing our results in scholarly peer-reviewed journals, books, news sources and/or online at We also highlight significant issues of controversy relevant to public policy in order to teach critical thinking to the public through balanced, non-partisan models of best practices for analysis.
How is IGGI’s approach different from other think tanks? IGGI is different from other think tanks because (1) it does not seek nor knowingly accept foreign donations, (2) it relies on peer review for feedback on our work and (3) it tackles controversial issues that are otherwise understudied or under-reported.
We want to share an animated explainer video (brief, about 2 minutes) that lays out IGGI’s mission and how we contribute to the public interest. Please take a moment to view the video and share with your friends and family by circulating the link to our video or embedding with citation.