Tag Archives: NDAA
Ron Paul only one criticizing President Obama for signing the recent Defense Authorization Act
In his speech, Paul hit his marks, talking about withdrawing from Afghanistan, shrinking the size of the federal government, warning about the invasion of personal privacy on the Internet, and criticizing President Obama for signing the recent Defense Authorization Act, which, he said, could lead to the indefinite detention of …
Read More »Obama Killed us with NDAA, Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell
Defense act allows detention of U.S. citizens, activists say
Indiana legislators disagree, vote in favor By MICHAEL RESCHKE michael.reschke@newsandtribune.com As a resident of Southern Indiana and an American citizen, if you’re accused of a crime you have the right to a trial, right? Well, some believe a bill that has passed the U.S. House and Senate will allow the …
Read More »The National Defense Authorization Act is the Greatest Threat to Civil Liberties Americans Face
If Obama does one thing for the remainder of his presidency let it be a veto of the National Defense Authorization Act – a law recently passed by the Senate which would place domestic terror investigations and interrogations into the hands of the military and which would open the door …
Read More »Obama Administration Demanded Power to Detain US Citizens
Ben Swann Reality Check: Obama Administration Demanded Power to Detain US Citizens
Read More »Updated: The day President Obama signs the NDAA, I will remember this…
When President Obama puts his signature to the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I will be remembering with much regret four years back. As you probably know the NDAA allows for the indefinite detention of anyone, including Americans and legal residents, without charge and without trial. It shreds our …
Read More »Sen. Lindsey Graham on the NDAA, Indefinite Detention of American Citizens
“Guantánamo Forever?” – Congress Passes $662 Billion Defense Bill, Aka The NDAA
Congress just passed the National Defense Authorization Act in a 283-to-136 vote. 190 Republicans and 93 Democrats voted for; 43 Republicans and 93 Democrats voted “against.” Prepare to be arrested, without charge, simply because someone “up there” believes you engage in “terroristy” stuff. Good luck proving them wrong. Link
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