
Quinn Making Slaves of Us All

I concluded my last blog by stating that debt and financial hardship makes slaves of us all. No one proves my point any better than Illinois Governor Pat Quinn. http://www.myfoxchicago.com/dpp/news/politics/quinn-threatens-stop-cities-funding-borrowing-approval-chicago-taxes-illinois-20110429 The linked story from Fox Chicago tells of how Governor Quinn has threatened to withhold money from municipalities unless he …

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Heroin Highway

Heroin abuse in Chicago’s suburbs is reaching epidemic proportions, and the area’s Eisenhower Expressway has become known as the “Heroin Highway” for all the smack that flows through it.

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Wikileaks: Many at Guantanamo ‘not dangerous’

Guantanamo Bay detention facility President Obama pledged in January 2009 to close the prison within a year Files released by the whistleblowing website Wikileaks have revealed that the US believed many of those held at Guantanamo Bay were innocent or only low-level operatives. The files, published in US and European …

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Park board to new colleague: Pay $330 for toilet tampering

By Brian Slodysko TribLocal reporter Today at 6:44 a.m. Downers Grove Park Board officials Thursday asked commissioner-elect Mark Roman to pay $330 for allegedly tampering with a portable toilet near his home. Roman, whose alleged conduct involving a portable park district toilet generated both a police report and extra work …

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iPhones Secretly Track Your Every Move, Researchers Say

The Huffington Post Catharine Smith First Posted: 04/20/11 12:44 PM ET According to security researchers Pete Warden and Alasdair Allan, your iPhone or iPad is keeping a record of every step you take, storing this data and sharing it with the devices that sync with the iPhone or iPad. What’s …

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ACLU: Michigan cops stealing drivers’ phone data

by Matt Hickey This machine can let police see all of your photos. Even that one. The Michigan State Police have started using handheld machines called “extraction devices” to download personal information from motorists they pull over, even if they’re not suspected of any crime. Naturally, the ACLU has a …

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Lemont-Bromberek district back to short-term borrowing to pay bills

By Ginger Reilly Coming off a rejection by voters of a $20 million bond referendum earlier this month and continuing to struggle financially, the Lemont-Bromberek Combined School District 113A will go back to the short-term borrowing strategy it’s been using to pay the bills. The school board voted this week …

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Lawsuit: Arlington Heights cop’s negligence led to rape of intoxicated girl

An Arlington Heights police officer responding to an underage drinking complaint let a 20-year-old felon and two drunk teenage boys go without question – despite the fact that they were toting around a possibly unconscious underage girl. Minutes later the three males were caught raping the girl in a laundry …

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Justice Dept. to Congress: Don’t Saddle 4th Amendment on Us

The Obama administration is urging Congress not to adopt legislation that would impose constitutional safeguards on Americans’ e-mail stored in the cloud. As the law stands now, the authorities may obtain cloud e-mail without a warrant if it is older than 180 days, thanks to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act …

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Illinois House votes down plan to take away Chicago gun restrictions

Posted by Ray Long and Todd Wilson at 4:41 p.m. SPRINGFIELD — House lawmakers today defeated a measure that would have taken away Chicago’s ability to regulate how people store guns, a prelude to an expected spring showdown over a push to allow people to carry concealed weapons. The debate …

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Feds say DuPage Housing Authority misspent $5.8 million – DailyHerald.com

By Robert Sanchez The DuPage Housing Authority improperly spent more than $5.8 million in federal money and failed to adequately document another $4.7 million, according to the latest federal audit of the embattled county agency. The audit, obtained by the Daily Herald, was prepared by the inspector general’s office of …

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‘Illegal Psyop’ Neither Illegal Nor Psyop, General’s Lawyer Ruled

The accusation was explosive and unambiguous: A top general in Afghanistan used illegal “information operations” to influence visiting U.S. Senators. But military documents obtained by Danger Room show that at least one Army lawyer deemed the work legal. What’s more, the alleged information operator’s bosses repeatedly told him that he …

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High Court Revives Mom’s Suit Over Ford Windows

(CN) – The Supreme Court on Monday vacated a decision that found Ford Motor did not have to face a wrongful death suit over its failure to use the safest materials available. Coming on the heels of a decision Wednesday that found Mazda could be sued for choosing to fit …

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