Run Turkey, Run

The Fed’s announcement of a renewed commitment to Quantitative Easing has been well telegraphed and the market’s reaction is likely to be subdued. We are in a “liquidity trap,” where interest rates or trillions in asset purchases may not stimulate borrowing or lending because consumer demand is just not there. …

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Google 2.4% Rate Shows How $60 Billion Lost to Tax Loopholes

Jesse Drucker Oct 21, 2010 Oct. 21 (Bloomberg) — Google Inc. cut its taxes by $3.1 billion in the last three years using a technique that moves most of its foreign profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda. Google’s income shifting — involving strategies known to lawyers as the …

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TSA demands testicular fondling as an alternative to naked scanners

Cory Doctorow at 2:20 AM Saturday, Oct 30, 2010 The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg has been experimenting with declining the whole-body TSA scanners at US airports — and now things have gotten more intimate. The TSA has initiated a new, more humiliating pat-down procedure for people who refuse to show screeners …

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Money rolls in, campaign ads roll on

Hoping to sway voters in tight statewide races, political groups pump cash into Illinois An unprecedented influx of political cash — most of it from outside Illinois — is feeding an inescapable wave of television attack ads aimed at manipulating voters in the final weeks of high-stakes campaigns for U.S. …

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Few answers from Notre Dame on student’s fatal accident – Chicago Breaking News

October 28, 2010 10:59 PM | No Comments SOUTH BEND, Ind. — No one can comprehend Declan Sullivan’s death — including the university charged with finding out why the 20-year-old student was asked to videotape football practice from an elevated perch during a strong wind advisory. University officials offered few …

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Chicago airport on alert about suspicious packages

More Terror Threats Before Elections Propaganda Warning Aviation officials say Chicago airport security personnel have been alerted to an investigation of suspicious packages on cargo planes in Philadelphia, Newark, N.J., and England. Chicago Department of Aviation spokeswoman Karen Pride says she can't talk specifically about any stepped-up security efforts or …

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November 2nd Really Is THAT Important

I know that you have heard over and over again about how important THIS election is. After hearing for the umpteenth time how this midterm is the most important midterm election EVER you may be suffering from overload. You may feel like you have had enough. You may have seen …

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Intelligence Report: Officials scramble to send out vote-by-mail ballots, Glitch in Illinois’ new vote-by-mail system

October 27, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) — The election is another day closer and there are more problems with Illinois’ new vote-by-mail system. Depending on who you talk to, the issue either has the potential to become Illinois’ version of the ballot fiasco they had in Florida in 2000 or it …

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US trade commission ends Google probe

By Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington and Richard Waters in San Francisco Published: October 27 2010 17:37 | Last updated: October 27 2010 19:09 The top US consumer protection agency has dropped an inquiry into data collection breaches by Google, even as regulators in Europe and Canada have stepped up their …

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Conway Coverup: Rand Paul Opponent Involved in Obstruction of Justice

Kurt Nimmo October 27, 2010 Forget the corporate media dust-up over a Rand Paul supporter attacking a activist. That incident pales in comparison to a story about the brother of Paul’s opponent in the race for Kentucky’s Senate seat, Jack Conway. Jack Conway and his supporters are involved …

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New Footage Implodes 9/11 Cover-up

Steve Watson Wednesday, Oct 27th, 2010 An intriguing video has appeared on You Tube that appears to show a FDNY film crew being interviewed in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks by the the director of the FBI’s New York office, who has suspicions that one of the World …

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Cop allegedly knocks out woman’s tooth in parking spat

A Chicago Police officer has been stripped of his police powers after allegedly knocking out a female security guard’s tooth during a fight over a parking spot, authorities said. Donnie Lewis, 57, was off duty Monday when he allegedly got into the spat in west suburban Hillside and struck the …

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Most school garden produce is forbidden fruit in CPS lunchrooms

October 19, 2010|By Monica Eng, Tribune reporter It’s harvest time in Chicago Public School gardens full of chubby tomatoes, heavy squash and fragrant basil. These urban oases, carefully tended by teachers, students and volunteers, range from several square feet to several acres of fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers, and some …

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Google 2.4% Rate Shows How $60 Billion Lost to Tax Loopholes

Google Inc. cut its taxes by $3.1 billion in the last three years using a technique that moves most of its foreign profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda. Google’s income shifting — involving strategies known to lawyers as the “Double Irish” and the “Dutch Sandwich” — helped reduce …

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G20 inks pact to avert trade war

By David Lawder and Yoo Choonsik GYEONGJU, South Korea | Sun Oct 24, 2010 1:45am EDT GYEONGJU, South Korea (Reuters) – The Group of 20 major economies agreed on Saturday to shun competitive currency devaluations but stopped short of setting targets to reduce trade imbalances that are clouding global growth …

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