“Black Sinatra” Sings Valentines Day Song

Reasons why I like this video and it will go viral. 1) It’s Valentines Day around the corner. Duh. 2) His hair. 3) The random American Flag in the background. 4) Valentines Day is around the corner. 4) His amazing deep low voice. Yeah, that works. + ABC’s? ^0^

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Chicago Decriminalizing Drugs to Increase Consequences for Gun Possession

It’s no surprise that the majority of the citizens of Chicago don’t have warm fuzzy feelings when it comes to their mayor Rahm Emanuel. But that isn’t stopping him from trying to improve the policies that are currently set in place, even if that means giving a little to get …

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Black Lives Matter Protesters Harass Diners at Dove’s Diner in Wicker Park

Ignorant activists believe harassing diners in trendy Chicago neighborhoods will help their cause. They should be protesting the government and the police, or organizing a boycott of Walmart or Target instead. This behavior will only increase racial tension when angry diners start throwing their food at the protesters for interrupting …

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Urges the courts, especially the United States Supreme Court, to adhere to the clear wording of the Second Amendment being a right afforded to state-sponsored militias and not individuals. Link

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Breaking the Code of Silence

By BRENT McDONALD | Dec. 17, 2015 | 5:18 In Chicago, police have shot and killed more people in recent years than in any of the 10 largest cities in America. Yet officers are rarely disciplined. A retired officer who investigated excessive force complaints explains why. http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000004097463/breaking-the-code-of-silence.html?smid=re-share

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New Illinois Laws You Should Know Going Into 2016

Well, ‘‘Tis The Season’ for new laws to be put in effect for the New Year. Read More: New Illinois Laws You Should Know Going Into 2016 | http://967theeagle.net/new-illinois-laws-you-should-know-going-into-2016/

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New anonymous group messaging app

     Today we will go over a new messaging app just launched a couple of days ago. Have you ever wanted to create a virtual group quickly to communicate with your friends,students, co-workers, family members, and others? If it is so, you can just download an app known as Mileo. For …

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