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Cheap Domain Name Registration & Web Hosting
When it comes to web building and hosting, it’s important to be able to find a cheap domain registration and hosting site that will not only provide services you need at a reasonable price, but also can be seen through search engines. It’s not always easy knowing where to register your page at, or even who to choose as far as hosting services go. With a quick few keywords placed in the appropriate web browser you’ll find a huge list of pages upon pages of results that all promise great domain registration and hosting for unbeatable prices.
- What is a domain name?
Domain names are what essentially gives a set of numbers (Your IP number) an actual identification. This is like being formerly known as an IP number and then being given a real title. Maybe you were 77.555.555.55 and now you’re known as Techsavvyguy@domainname.com see how that changes things up?
Once you have a domain name you’ll have to register it and there are about infinite sites out there in which you can do that as well. However, we’ll provide a short list of one’s that we’ve specifically chosen as having pretty decent services to offer in order to save you the time and trouble of trying to find the right one. However, you’re still welcome to pick your own and do your own research to find one that might not be included in this list.
- Namecheap.com
- 1&1.com
- GoDaddy.com
- Name.com
- Gandi.com
Now keep in mind that while each of these that we’ve listed kind of are a two in one, there are pros and cons to each, and this goes with most services out there. While most of the one’s we listed are indeed cheap the downside is these types of sites often try to sell you to something “bigger and better” which means they’ll try and get you to upgrade to this or that service and convince you that you might need something a little extra, but that doesn’t mean you have to buy in to it. In fact, it’s up to you to decide what services are right for you. Most sites are going to offer you basically the same thing for different prices. This is why it’s extremely important that you do your homework and browse around.
The average price for a domain is paid on a yearly basis and will cost you anywhere from between about thirteen and almost twenty dollars. Although with the prices you get that isn’t really all that bad. Each site will have its own price guides so you’ll want to make sure that before you sign up for anything that you read the fine print that is included. Some may offer a specific set of features for free and charge for another thing. Again, this will vary per site, but each site seems to offer bundle packages that can reduce the price by about three dollars. Once you find a good hosting site and domain page you’ll be all set and well on your way.