Whistleblower Weekly: Cop’s shop supplied uniforms to officers

WLSAM.com’s Adam Zielinski Reports CHICAGO (WLS) – Were the police and firefighters of one near west suburb town pressured into purchasing their uniforms from the village’s deputy police chief? Andy Shaw, President and CEO of the Better Government Association, joined WLS Radio’s Don Wade and Roma Friday to discuss the …

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Will the ‘Rahm Tax’ Make a Comeback?

Remember the luxury services tax Mayor Rahm Emanuel proposed during his campaign? His opponents blasted the idea, calling it the “Rahm tax,” but Emanuel touted it as a win-win for businesses and shoppers who pay one of the highest sales taxes in the country. Well, Emanuel may be bringing back …

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Lindenhurst Cops Try To Hit Illinois Man With 15 Year Jail Sentence For Recording Traffic Stop

Officer: “Guess what? You were eavesdropping on our conversation. I did not give you permission to do so. Step out of the vehicle.” Despite clear legal precedent, nationwide hoax that it is illegal to film cops prevails Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Thursday, September 29, 2011 Cops arrested an Illinois man …

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Which Telecoms Store Your Data the Longest? Secret Memo Tells All

The nation’s major mobile-phone providers are keeping a treasure trove of sensitive data on their customers, according to newly-released Justice Department internal memo that for the first time reveals the data retention policies of America’s largest telecoms. The single-page Department of Justice document, “Retention Periods of Major Cellular Service Providers,” …

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Rep. Ron Paul: The country is ripe for revolution

By: CNN Editorial Producer Karrah Kaplan (CNN) – Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul rallied a sold- out crowd of more than 1800 of his most ardent under-thirty-year-old supporters in New York City Monday night. Tickets to the event cost $20-25. It was originally scheduled to take place at the famed …

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Chicago given many painful ways to escape budget mess

City income tax, Lake Shore Drive tolls, higher ambulance fees among options suggested by inspector general By Hal Dardick, Kristen Mack and John Chase, Tribune reporters7:44 a.m. CDT, September 27, 2011 As Mayor Rahm Emanuel prepares to present his first budget next month, Chicago Inspector General Joseph Ferguson is tossing …

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White suburbanites going from pain pills to heroin

Statistics tend to back him up. Deaths from prescription drugs tripled nationwide from 2000 to 2008 and exceeded deaths from heroin and cocaine combined, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Drug deaths reached an all-time high of almost 37,500 in 2009, the tipping point in an …

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Troy Davis executed, supporters cry injustice

No gun was ever found, but prosecutors say shell casings were linked to an earlier shooting for which Davis was convicted. Witnesses placed Davis at the crime scene and identified him as the shooter, but several of them have recanted their accounts and some jurors have said they’ve changed their …

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Judge Rejects Eavesdropping Charges for Recording Police

Jacob Sullum | September 20, 2011 Michael Allison, an Illinois man who faced a potential sentence of 75 years in prison for recording police officers and attempting to tape his own trial, caught a break last week when a state judge declared the charges unconstitutional. “A statute intended to prevent …

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Shape Up or Pay Up: Emanuel

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is giving city workers an important health choice: enroll in a new wellness plan, expected to be unveiled Friday, or pay a higher premium. The price if they don’t enroll: $50 a month. The program includes an initial screening that focuses on preventative care for asthma, heart …

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Radio host Mancow moves to WJJG-AM

By Tribune staff 10:40 a.m. CDT, September 15, 2011 Matthew Erich Muller, the radio provocateur known as “Mancow” whose syndicated morning show hasn’t been heard in Chicago in five years, will move to WJJG-AM (1530), the 760-watt daytime station based in west suburban Elmhurst, Time Out Chicago is reporting. Link

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Council proposal: No texting or hand-held cell calls for bicyclists

BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter/fspielman@suntimes.com September 13, 2011 10:24PM Chicago’s burgeoning band of bicyclists would have to abide by the same rules of the road as motorists — no talking on hand-held cell phones or texting while riding — under a crackdown proposed by an influential alderman. Ald. Marge …

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Missing file in Koschman case says Daley nephew was aggressive

Updated: September 12, 2011 6:51AM For seven years, the Chicago Police Department has portrayed David Koschman as the aggressor in the drunken confrontation on Division Street that ended when a nephew of then-Mayor Richard M. Daley knocked him out with a punch that left Koschman with brain injuries from which …

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