Illinois judge: law barring recording police is unconstitutional

By Megan Geuss In Cook County today Judge Stanley J. Sacks declared Illinois’ eavesdropping law—which is one of the toughest in the nation—unconstitutional in his ruling in the case of Christopher Drew, who was charged with the felony crime in 2009. The eavesdropping law prohibits citizens from making audio or …

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Publisher and author Andrew Breitbart dead in L.A. at 43

Rong Gong Lin II 8:55 a.m. CST, March 1, 2012 Conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart passed away unexpectedly from natural causes early Thursday, his website reported. Breitbart, 43, a star of the tea party movement, died shortly after midnight in Los Angeles, his website said. The following statement was posted on …

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Chicago Spring Occupy Protests are Starting to Organize Online Now

April 7th What: April 7 is the official kickoff of Chicago Spring! On this day, Occupy Chicago will join with allies across Chicago for a citywide day of action. The many injustices we fight are intricately woven together, rooted to the faults and dysfunctions of our broken political, social, and …

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Ron Paul speech draws thousands at MSU

EAST LANSING — It seemed like a fair trade for an 11th-hour campaign stop in another state where polls indicate Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul likely will finish out of the money in today’s Michigan primary. For almost an hour Monday afternoon, the Texas congressman showed the people his familiar, …

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Emanuel Disavows 25% of School Kids, Says CTU

By Mary Ann Ahern Tuesday, Feb 28, 2012 Karen Lewis, the Chicago Teacher’s Union President, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel have a testy relationship at best. But it wasn’t always that way. The two leaders met privately last year ahead of Emanuel’s inauguration. They went for dinner and to attend a …

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Officer fired for allegedly beating woman while on a domestic call

By Mary Owen TribLocal reporter Friday at 2:28 p.m. A Joliet police officer has been fired after allegedly using excessive force while responding to a domestic dispute earlier this month at a motel. Officer Thomas O’Connor, a four-year veteran of the Joliet Police Department, was alone when he responded to …

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In Chicago SEIU Says: No Homemade School Lunches

Michelle Malkin (in the weekly Washington Times 12/26/11, P 35) tells us that the Chicago School system does not allow kids to bring lunches from home. The Chicago Tribune further explains that the only exception is if the kid has a note from a doctor requiring something special for health …

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Republic Windows, redux? Workers occupy Goose Island plant

February 23, 2012|By Alejandra Cancino | Tribune reporter A group of about 65 workers who occupied a Goose Island window factory in 2008 have once again locked themselves inside the plant in a desperate move to save their jobs. California-based Serious Energy said Thursday it is closing the plant’s doors …

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Charter Schools Fine Students In Chicago

The Noble Network of Charter Schools’ 10 Chicago campuses impose fines for student misbehavior. Are fines a good way to discourage bad behavior or is it just another money making scheme? Ana Kasaprian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks.

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Chicago man files civil rights lawsuit against Police

Julian Crews WGN News 6:13 p.m. CST, February 24, 2012 CHICAGO A federal civil rights lawsuit has been filed against the city and a group of 25th district police officers. 31-year-old Erick Fields says he was fixing his car in his own garage last year, when police snuck onto his …

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L.A. catching up to Chicago in sleaze

Panning for gold in the local cesspool is always lucrative, but it’s been one fat nugget after another lately. We’ve got Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa marketing himself for his next job before he finishes this one; City Atty. Carmen Trutanich insisting he’s not the liar he appears to be; …

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Report provides new detail on politicians’ influence on University of Illinois admissions

By Associated Press 11:29 a.m. CST, February 26, 2012 CHICAGO (AP) — More Illinois politicians — including top Democrats and Republicans — have been identified as using their influence to help students get into the University of Illinois, according to a published report Sunday. The Chicago Tribune first reported in …

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Hidden Taxes – Tax Code Itself

Taxation in The United States is horrible, but aside from the high tax rates there is a hidden tax, actually several, but here is one type of hidden tax we will focus on now. The tax that is the tax code itself. When government makes complicated laws, with all sorts …

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