The Smartest Dictation System in the World


The Smartest Dictation System in the World

In all areas of business – whether it’s the Government sector, the world of high finance, Health care, the judicial system, construction, media, or Education, dictation systems need to be the smartest to keep up with the ever changing world. Being able to achieve your daily objectives in the most efficient way possible through dictation. MIRSK, a Danish owned company, was founded in 2004 and has grown to make the most efficient dictation systems. When you think dictation, you think of old clunky dictation with a tape and a secretary pumping a paddle under the desk, now with, , those days are over. Your company’s objectives will be achieved in half the time.

Speech recognition technology was developed for those in the disability community, but now is an essential business asset. Digital Dictation – An ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) system works by way of the software producing a speech wave form. From this wave form, the software then decodes the “extras” of the user’s speech, meaning the “ums” and “ahs” and converts it into a usable and viable sentence by way of converting the sentence into a “sequence of vectors which are measured throughout the duration of the speech signal”

Cloud-Based Dictation Software – Companies now want, safe and reliable cloud services upon which they can rely. MIRSK provides the means by which you can dictate and broadcast to your company’s people or clients from anywhere in the world at any time.  When you work smarter, with MIRSK,, you free yourself, which makes you mobile, and ready to take on anything!