Gabrielle Giffords – Why Was She Targeted?

Looking at her view on the following issues doesn’t make a lot of sense that she would be a targeted by a nutcase who was opposing the government. Energy Giffords strongly supports renewable energy, in particular solar energy, as a top public policy priority.[35] In September 2007 she published a …

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John Kass: The Chicago, and Daley, Way

Early history? You mean like Thursday, when the federal grand jury indicted the former business partner of the mayor’s son over that city sewer contract deal? The Daley boys are adept and skillful and ruthless in the pursuit of power and treasure. The family has controlled Chicago and Cook County …

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State EPA targeting Markham businessman in effort to curb illegal dumping

By Joel Hood, Tribune reporter January 9, 2011 Promising to crack down on those who illegally dump garbage in poor, urban pockets of southern Cook County, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is targeting a prominent Markham businessman who in 2009 scored a $6 million waste removal contract with the city …

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Chicago’s billionaire Smith family anoints its next generation

By: Steven R. Strahler January 10, 2011 Inherited wealth has riven many families, such as Chicago’s Pritzkers. But another billionaire clan has just anointed its fifth-generation scion without so much as a public ripple. The Smith family, whose more-than-$5-billion stock portfolio is rooted in Northern Trust Corp. and Illinois Tool …

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Just Not Rahm

Become a Rahm stopper! Join conservative crusader William J. Kelly and fellow Rahm stoppers as we try to prevent Rahm Emanuel from his take-over of the City of Chicago. Just Not Rahm.

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Downers Grove update: Village gives water report

The village of Downers Grove purchases Lake Michigan water that is supplied by the city of Chicago via the DuPage Water Commission. Recently, some questions have been raised regarding the quality of Chicago water. Specifically, testing of Chicago tap water by an independent agency indicated the presence of chromium 6, …

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Jewel asks employees to take time off without pay

By Emily Bryson York Posted today at 1:17 p.m. Jewel-Osco is offering all corporate employees unpaid time off between now and Feb. 26, representatives for the store’s parent, SuperValu, said. The offer extends to all SuperValu chains, including Save-a-Lot, Acme, Cub and Albertson’s. The money-saving program is voluntary, SuperValu added, …

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Romania: Witches must pay taxes

Romania tries to tackle its recession by forcing its witches to pay income taxes. Published: January 5, 2011 21:23 ET in Europe A man watches pedestrians walking down a street May 10, 2001 in Sighisoara, Romania. Located in the heart of Transylvania, Sighisoara was the birthplace of Vlad Dracula “The …

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Braun refuses to release income tax returns before election

Consensus black mayoral candidate Carol Moseley Braun said Monday she will not release her income tax returns until after the election, passing on the chance to exploit a potential weakness of two of her major rivals. “I don’t want to,” she said. Rahm Emanuel, Gery Chico and Miguel del Valle …

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Chicago murder rate the lowest since 1965

January 1, 2011 2:47 PM | No Comments Chicago recorded 435 homicides in 2010, marking the city’s lowest murder rate in 45 years, according to preliminary statistics released Saturday by the Chicago Police Department. The 2010 total was down from 458 in 2009 and 512 in 2008, and is the …

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Chicago’s Torture Cop Awaits His Sentence

By Salim Muwakkil The depressing Burge saga reinforces the notion that racial bias is part of the institutional gene pool of the nation’s police departments. G. Flint Taylor should be basking in the glow of vindication as he awaits the January 20 sentencing of Jon Burge, the retired Chicago police …

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You can’t own a monkey anymore

2011 Brings New Illinois Laws on Campaign Donations, Monkeys and Sexting You can’t own a monkey anymore, unless you get one before the law takes affect. There is an exemption for people with disabilities. Another law means factory-built homes on private land will now be taxed as real property. Up …

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Chicago parking-meter rates will go up on Jan. 2

Come Jan. 2, it may be even less worth it for many Chicagoans already seeing red over the city’s parking rates, which are among the highest in the country. On Sunday, the third of five scheduled annual rate hikes will begin, according to Chicago Parking Meters LLC., which took over …

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