Full-Body Scanner Deployed at Midway Airport
Updated: Wednesday, 15 Dec 2010, 12:29 PM CS Associated Press
Chicago’s Midway Airport is joining the long list of airports that have deployed full-body scanners.
They’re designed to detect nonmetallic weapons. But some travelers complain the scanners are unnecessarily intrusive and embarrassing. Other critics say the x-ray type pictures they take amount to “virtual strip searches.”
Not all air travelers are selected for full-body scans. The majority are required only to walk through more common metal detectors.
The TSA says the new Midway scanner was bought using federal stimulus money.
The machines are freakishly accurate, I had a standard sized tube of chap stick in my right jean pocket and they asked if I was carrying a tube of something in my right pocket. With the ceramic knives and plastic guns on the market these days, I’m all for it.