Tag Archives: Love

New dating app Cupidon similar to Tinder can be a matchmaker itself

The cyber space is full of advice how meet friends or a partner online. The dating apps and website make picking up a potential partner easier but there are still pitfalls. New app Cupidon is similar to Tinder but the software plays important role to match similar profiles than just …

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50% Off Entry to the Chicago Graffiti Run

Working out can be pretty repetitive and boring. Especially jogging. The same motion over and over, making five minutes feel like five hours. Well, The Graffiti Run has come up with the perfect solution, creating an event that makes running feel like a romp through candy land. All you have …

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Single Ladies in the mood for love?

Americans are in the mood for love as evident by the surge of network television relationship shows. Although these shows provide entertainment and insight, women are often left to navigate the dating world alone. Los Angeles-based life coach, Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, is on a mission to unite soul mates, heal broken …

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Home of the Mystery Date

1) Answer 10 questions. 2) We will personally hand-pick your match. 3) And set you up on a Tawkify, Walkify, or Mystery Date! Tawkify – Home of the Mystery Date

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